Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Our NORFOLK “BUSH BASH” took place from 24th – 30th September and was led for the first time by Ashley Saunders. Despite some difficult weather, the group managed to see some exciting birds, though few passerines were in evidence this year. The highlight was undoubtedly the juvenile Pallid Harrier at Winterton, which showed exceptionally well on our second attempt and we also saw two adult Common Cranes there for good measure. Several Red-throated Divers, Northern Gannets and Arctic Skuas were seen offshore and a couple of adult Mediterranean Gulls and Little Terns were also noted. Shorebirds as ever were spectacular at this time of year with large numbers of Little Stints and Curlew Sandpiper present along with four Spotted Redshanks and big arrivals of Eurasian Golden Plovers, Black-tailed Godwits and Red Knot. Marsh Harriers provided the main raptor interest, but we also had splendid views of a couple of Eurasian Hobbies and Peregrines. The first Pink-footed Geese were beginning to arrive and other wildfowl included Common Scoters, Common Eider, Northern Pintail and Brent Geese, and, as ever, Bearded Tits were very showy and very popular. Other highlights included good numbers of Grey Partridges, Garden Warbler and several Kingfishers.