Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The 8th produced a late Osprey along the River Taff at Treforest, while the Long-tailed Duck and a Snow Bunting were at Cardiff Bay. The 9th was a gloriously sunny, windless day and with a flat calm sea, four Red-throated Divers, two Como Scoters and a Guillemot were showing well off Kenfig Sands. The Long-tailed Duck and Snow Bunting remained at Cardiff Bay. On the 10th, five Mediterranean Gulls included a new first winter bird at Kenfig Pool, where a Bittern was also present. A Siberian Chiffchaff was also there and six Red-billed Chough were at Locks Common, Porthcawl. A pair of Dartford Warblers was again in Maesteg, a Barn Owl was at Talbot Green and an interesting record involved a Ring Ouzel pecking insect from the back end of a cow at a garden centre in Cardiff! Five Red-billed Chough were again at Locks Common on 11th, a female Ring-necked Duck was a good find at Kenfig Pool and two Great Bitterns were also new in there. The Long-tailed Duck remained at Cardiff Bay, where a male Black Redstart was also present. The 12th saw two Great Bitterns again at Kenfig Pool, where there was no sign of yesterday’s Ring-necked Duck. At Pitton, South Gower a male Hen Harrier, seventeen Common Snipe, twelve Yellowhammer, 34 Stock Dove, three Blackcap and 55 Golden Plover were on some farmland. The 13th was a washed out start to the new week, but better weather on 14th saw three Black-legged Kittiwakes at Porthcawl, while Kenfig Pool held three adult Mediterranean Gulls and four Red-throated Divers were again offshore. Three Red-billed Choughs were still at Locks Common, Porthcawl and a Barn Owl was at Junction 37 of the M4.