Friday, March 30, 2007


I'm just back from a hugely enjoyable mini break to New York, where as well as some quality time with the family and seeing the sights, I managed to get 52 species birding in Central Park including 12 lifers and a fine Raccoon! The first wave of migrants hit the day before we left and included 20+ Eastern Phoebes, 10+ Hermit Thrushes and six Northern Flickers, while other highlights included good numbers of Buffleheads,a pair of Hooded Mergansers, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Fox and Song Sparrows with White-throated Sparrows everywhere, Dark-eyed Juncos, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Cedar Waxwings, American Goldfinches and White-breasted well as the thousands of American Robins that were all over the park - unforgettable!!

For anyone who enjoys combining birding with cultural activities and hasn't visited this great city, it is well worth considering and I would be happy to offer advice and help in putting together a reasonably priced package. We picked up many invaluable snippets of information that could be used to make the most of both birding time and other activities, as well as budgeting and accommodation advice.