Wednesday, June 13, 2007


OUR mini tour from 28th – 31st May 2007 was almost totally dry, though not always warm, while the rest of the UK suffered torrential downpours! The birding was good with an excellent passage of Manx Shearwaters and European Storm Petrels along with lesser numbers of Sandwich Terns, Northern Gannets and Black-legged Kittiwakes. Raptors featured highly with the highlights being a splendid female Marsh Harrier – still a rare bird in Wales, a displaying male Northern Goshawk, two Red Kites, two Peregrines , two European Sparrowhawk and large numbers of Common Buzzards and Common Kestrels. Three Red-billed Chough showed well, Tree Sparrows , Linnets, Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers were on the breeding grounds and a good variety of breeding warblers were seen including at least five Wood Warblers. Common Redstarts were also present in very good numbers and we enjoyed superb views of a Dipper feeding a well grown chick, a heavy passage of Common Swifts and a nice range of shorebirds including eight Pied Avocets, breeding plumaged Black-tailed Godwits and Dunlin and several Little Egrets. A most enjoyable few days spent in very good company.