Monday, July 09, 2007
Our 6th – 9th JULY 2007 tour was very successful with the highlight being a male Golden Oriole feeding a chick that we saw fledge – an amazing moment! Barn, Tawny and Little Owls, Eurasian Hobby, Eurasian Woodcock, five Stone Curlews, Spotted Flycatcher and superb views of Eurasian Nightjar completed day one… Day Two produced Spotted Redshank, Little and Arctic Terns, Little Gull, Dartford Warbler, Ruff, Little Ringed Plover, more Eurasian Hobbies, Green Sandpiper and Greenshank. The final day produced excellent views of Bearded Tits, Corn Buntings, Grey Partridge, Turtle Doves and Common Scoters as well as a calling Quail and more shorebirds.