Sunday, September 16, 2007
10TH - 16TH SEPTEMBER 2007
A stiff westerly on the 10th brought a Great Skua to Sker Point, along with eight Black-legged Kittiwakes, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, 21 Red Knot, three Northern Gannets and nine Common Scoter. On the 11th, two Lesser Whitethroats, nine Common Whitethroats, three Sedge Warblers, a Willow Warbler, seventeen Blackcaps, a Tree Pipit and a Lesser Redpoll were at Kenfig Pool. Two Green Sandpipers were at Ogmore Estuary. A Whinchat , four Mediterranean Gulls, eight Yellowhammers and three Northern wheatears were at Gileston and at Lavernock Point there were 750 Barn Swallows, eight Tree Pipits, two Yellow Wagtails and nine Common Chiffchaff. Neil was fortunate enough to find Wales first Audouin’s Gull at Sker Point on the 12th; a second winter bird that flew off towards Swansea, but much to everyone's disappointment, it has not yet been relocated. Also present there were 27 Red Knot and 62 Meadow Pipits of note. Two Spotted Flycatchers were in a Swansea garden on and another was in Bute Park, Cardiff, where there were also two Peregrines. A further 23 Red Knot were at Rhymney Great Wharf, along with three Black-tailed and two Bar-tailed Godwits, a Common Greenshank, nineteen Dunlin, two Reed Warblers and two Yellow Wagtails. A Ring-necked Parakeet was at Lavernock Point. The 13th produced 750 Linnets at Tyn-y-Caeau Farm, along with five Tree Pipits. Four Whinchat were at Llanilid, while overhead passage at Gileston included 400 Barn Swallow, 290 Meadow Pipits, thirty Sky Larks and a Yellow Wagtail. On the 14th, the adult Yellow-legged Gull was again at Kenfig Pool, along with a Sedge Warbler and an adult Mediterranean Gull, 24 Red Knot and two Common Scoter were at Kenfig Sands. Five Northern Gannet, a Grey Plover and Yellow Wagtail were at Lavernock Point. The 15th brought 25 Common Chiffchaff, five Tree Pipit and a Lesser Whitethroat were at Lavernock Point, a Spotted Flycatcher, Lesser Redpoll and European Siskin were at Pant Norton. Two Green Sandpipers, two Common Snipe and a Tree Pipit were at Kenfig Pool. Another three Green Sandpipers were at Pendoylan. On the 16th, a Merlin and Mediterranean Gull were at Dunraven, along with six Red-billed Chough. A Eurasian Hobby, Merlin, two Northern Pintail and four Yellow Wagtails were at Kenfig Pool and fifty Common Crossbills were at Llanwonno Forest. Two Common Redstarts and two Tree Pipits were at Llanilid, seven Common Buzzards were at Lavernock Point, as well as 500 Barn Swallow and a Peregrine. Two Manx Shearwaters were at Sker, along with five Northern Gannets and six Common Scoter and Red Knot numbers have risen to 36. A Curlew Sandpiper and two Common Greenshank were at Port Talbot Docks.