Our tour from 1st -8th October 2007 to Fair Isle was another huge success with some excellent birds and great company, as well as the best weather we've experienced on this magical island. Things began well with a Killdeer at Pool of Virkie on the mainland that we saw both at the start and end of the tour and a Ring-necked Duck was at Tingwall Loch. Once on the island, things just got better as we added Buff-bellied Pipit, Lanceolated Warbler, Greater Short-toed Lark, Buff-breasted Sandpiper and White-rumped Sandpiper the biggest attractions. A fine supporting cast included a Marsh Warbler, three Barred Warblers, two Bluethroats, a Richard's Pipit, fifteen Yellow-browed Warblers, six Lapland Buntings and at least three Common Rosefinches. Good numbers of Brambling, 50 Snow Buntings, seven Ring Ouzel, seventeen Whooper Swans, 200 Pink-footed, twenty Barnacle and two Greenland White-fronted Geese, Common Redstart, two Whinchat, Short-eared Owl, Eurasian Woodcock, European Storm Petrel, three Little Stints and a Greater Scaup were among the other notable species amongst a trip total of 108 species and we also saw a Minke Whale. Our tour next year runs from 13th - 20th September 2008 and places are now only available for a boat crossing as all flight places have been taken. If you would like to join us, please book immediately as the trip is guaranteed to run and is certain to fill up.