Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Our tour for Bird Watching magazine was a more spectacular success than we could have dreamed of given the early July dates. A total of 126 species were seen or heard and for the most part we managed to stay dry while the rest of the UK as suffering constant heavy rain. Raptors were much in evidence and we were treated to superb views of hunting Eurasian Hobby and many Marsh Harriers including one carrying a Water Rail off as prey, but the highlight was undoubtedly the male Montagu's Harrier that gave us prolonged and scope filling views as it quartered a cereal field at close range seemingly oblivious to our presence - awesome! At least two male and a female Golden Oriole showed exceptionally well as they gathered food for unseen fledglings; the colours vivid on a hot and sunny morning, and a couple of Stone Curlew were seen, but views of these weren't so great owing to severe heat haze and the birds being a bit distant. Two European Nightjar displayed right above our heads and these were seen interacting with at least two roding Eurasian Woodcock on a beautiful still and warm evening. We heard Common Quail, saw four Eurasian Spoonbill, along with very unseasonal drake Velvet Scoter, a Dark-bellied Brent Goose, an adult Yellow-legged Gull, a full breeding plumaged Red-necked Grebe at close range, an Arctic Skua sat on the sea close inshore and several first summer Little Gulls. We were amazed to see how many shorebirds were already returning from breeding grounds further north and these included multiple breeding plumaged Spotted Redshank, Black and Bar-tailed Godwits, Common Greenshank, Ruff [in all sorts of colours],Whimbrel and Eurasian Curlew side by side, Green Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and an immaculate Lesser Yellowlegs that gave us superb views as it fed alongside its commoner cousins - enabling us to see four species of "shank" on the same reserve! Bearded Tits, Barn Owl, Little Tern, Great Bittern and Pied Avocet were among the other highlights on this superb tour. We offer several weekend tours throughout the summer plus an extended tour in May to catch up with some of these most wanted species. Please see the main Norfolk page for further details [2009 dates coming very soon] or contact us if you would like advance dates as these trips are sure to sell out quickly.