Thursday, September 11, 2008


OUR first tour to EAST YORKSHIRE in autumn 6TH – 11TH SEPTEMBER 2008 produced some quality migrants and got off to a flying start at Spurn with a Shore Lark and a Long-tailed Skua on the first day, as well as a Great Skua, four Arctic Skuas, a Red-throated Diver, sixteen Common Scoter, two Common Redstart, two Eurasian Hobby, seven Whinchat, two Garden Warbler and a Lesser Whitethroat, as well as many more common migrants. DAY TWO saw Barn and Tawny Owls, Icterine Warbler, four Sooty Shearwater, Pied and Spotted Flycatchers and Common Redstarts again. DAY THREE was wet and windy, though Mediterranean Gull, four Ruff, Bar-tailed Godwit, two Barn Owls, 300 European Golden Plover, seven Little Egret, Corn Bunting and a Little Gull was still a pretty good haul. DAY FOUR produced a Black-necked Grebe at Tophill Low, as well as good numbers of common migrants, and fifteen Little Gulls, seven Common Eider, eight Common Scoter, thirty Ruddy Duck, Northern Pintail, Red-throated Diver, three Common Sandpiper, Common Swift, Grey Partridge and a Little Owl. The morning of DAY FIVE saw more Common Redstart, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat and other common migrants as well as the first Common Greenshank in a fantastic trip total of 129 species.