Sunday, December 14, 2008

8TH - 14TH DECEMBER 2008

On the 8th, a Water Rail survey at Kenfig NNR produced forty one calling birds and a Snow Bunting was at Werfa Mast. A Black Redstart was in Cardiff Bay and the male Hen Harrier and 152 European Golden Plover were at Mynydd Eglwysilian. The 9th produced a Firecrest at Bishops Wood, Gower, the Slavonian Grebe and Black Redstart were at Cardiff Bay, a ringtail Hen Harrier was at Caerphilly and the Ring-billed Gull was again at Lamby Lake. On the 10th, the Slavonian Grebe was again at Cardiff Bay and a Jack Snipe was at Lavernock Point, while three Green Sandpipers were at Hendre Lake. The 11th produced the Water Pipit again at Llwyn On Reservoir, the Ring-billed Gull at Lamby Lake and five Purple Sandpiper at Sker Point. A Snow Bunting was at Mynydd Eglwysilian on the 12th but torrential rain wrote off the rest of the day. On the 13th the Slavonian Grebe, a Siberian Chiffchaff, seven Lesser Redpoll and two Greater Scaup were in Cardiff Bay. Nineteen Purple Sandpiper and two Red-billed Chough were at Rhossilli. On the 14th, a Barn Owl and the Ring-billed Gull were at Lamby Lake, the drake Ferruginous Duck was at Cosmeston Lakes and the Slavonian Grebe at Cardiff Bay. A Black Redstart was at Gileston.