Thursday, May 14, 2009

NORFOLK 12TH - 14TH MAY 2009

Our mini Norfolk tour 12th - 14th May 2009 produced some excellent birding as ever. DAY ONE saw Common Nightingale, Little Tern, Montagu’s Harrier, Little Gull and Common Redstart as highlights. DAY TWO produced a splendid Citrine Wagtail at Cley, while twenty Black Terns, male Ring Ouzel, two Temminck’s Stint, three Wood Sandpiper and two Little Owl provided a fine supporting cast. DAY THREE produced a female Kentish Plover, two Dotterel, forty Black Terns, a Little Stint, a few more Temminck’s Stint, a second summer Mediterranean Gull, thirteen Common Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Black Redstart and a Peregrine to round off a brilliant couple of days.