Friday, June 05, 2009

HUNGARY 16TH - 23RD MAY 2009

This was a custom tour organized for birding and agricultural interests and both proved to be very successful for the small group of participants. For the most part glorious blue skies and hot sunshine was prevelant - and to my eyes these are the right conditions to visit the vast putsza or steppe in. Great Bustard was as ever a prime target and the birds showed very well, while Lesser Grey Shrike, Red-footed Falcon, Ferruginous Duck, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saker, Aquatic Warbler, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Caspian Gull, Grey-headed and Black Woodpeckers, Caspian and Black Terns, Barred Warbler, European Bee-eater, Wryneck, Pygmy Cormorant, Great Reed, Icterine and River Warblers, Collared Flycatcher, Long-eared Owl, Purple Heron, Great White Egret, Black-crowned Night Heorn, Bluethroat, Marsh Warbler and Golden Oriole ensured that a pretty decent bird list was enjoyed too. We will return to this excellent all round destination in May 2010 when we will run the full birding tour again.