Monday, August 27, 2007


Here is the update from our 26th August Celtic Deeps Pelagic led by Paul Roberts. The conditions were superb throughout, but we would have hoped for just that little extra something special to put the icing on th cake to what was still a very enjoyable day:

Fulmar - a few dozen, especially after chumming.
Manx Shearwater - hundreds, mainly between Grassholm and The Smalls on the outward journey.
Sooty Shearwater - 1 seen very well on the outward leg between Grassholm and The Smalls.
Storm Petrel - at least 10, all attracted to chum.
Gannet - 67,873 counted on Grassholm (honestly!), stunning close up views of the colony.
Shag - double figures in total, especially near Grassholm.
Kittiwake - dozens seen, plenty of young indicating a good breeding season?
Common Tern - 2.
Guillemot - plenty seen (100s in total) in rafts.
Razorbill - small numbers among the above.
and................. Sand Martin - 3 in the middle of nowhere!

Common Dolphin - several small groups on the way out, a bigger pod all around the boat while chumming on the way back.

Ocean Sunfish - 3.