Thursday, August 23, 2007


Celtic Bird Tours Scillies Pelagic 2007: Photos by kind permission of Ben Geldenhuis

Here are a summary of birds and other aquatic life seen on three pelagics aboard the MV Sapphire of St. Mary’s and the outward and return trips between the Scillies and the main land on the MV Scillonian 17th - 20th August 2007.

10 Wilson’s Petrel amongst 500+ Storm Petrel
15 Great Skuas
1 Arctic Skua
2 Long-tailed Skuas (a 2nd/3rd year bird and a full adult)
12 Sooty Shearwaters
100+ Manx Shearwaters
8 Great Shearwaters
1 Mediterranean Gull
1 juv Puffin
2 Arctic Terns
Many Sandwich Terns and Common Terns
Large numbers of Gannet and Fulmar
Large numbers of Great Black- backed, Lesser Black-backed & Herring Gulls with small numbers of Black-headed Gulls.

37+ Basking Shark
1 Blue Shark (tagged)
50+ Common Dolphins
2 Harbour Porpoise
3 Sun Fish
1 Ling

In addition excellent views were had of a Semi-Palmated Sandpiper on Porth Hellick Pool.

For next years tour, it is now possible to book the pelagic only element of thre trip from 15th - 18th August 2008. Cost £375.00 plus £50.00 single room supplement.Places are already very limited especially in single rooms, so PLEASE BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment