OUR NORTH EAST ENGLAND tours again proved extremely popular with three filled, and once again, a fine selection of birds were seen. Top of the bill went to the Broad-billed Sandpiper that was at Kilnsea and the Lesser Grey Shrike at Creswell, but once again, we proved our ability to judge the best dates to go on tours with a supporting cast of migrants that included quality species such as Red-breasted Flycatcher, Golden Oriole, Icterine Warbler, three Red-backed Shrike, Greater Short-toed Lark, five Dotterel, Common Nightingale, Roseate Tern, drake Long-tailed Duck, male Ring Ouzels and Eurasian Woodcock. Resident species and breeding migrants included Black Grouse, Red Grouse, European Golden Plover, Dipper, Common Redstart, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Tree Pipit, as well as the spectacular seabird colonies on The Farne Islands and Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head. We will run two tours next year from 29TH MAY – 4TH JUNE & 5TH – 11TH JUNE, so PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT as these are extremely popular tours.