Saturday, June 07, 2008


OUR new OUTER HEBRIDES tours enjoyed some fantastic birding and wildlife watching including the finding of a Killdeer. The weather wasn’t conducive to the hoped for Pomarine and Long-tailed Skua passage, but we could hardly complain with other exciting species including TWO White-billed Divers, TWO Snowy Owls, a European Bee-eater [first for the Outer Hebrides found by our group] Black-crowned Night Heron, Iceland Gull, Wood Sandpiper and a Ring-billed Gull. We also saw multiple sightings of White-tailed Eagle, Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Peregrine, Red Deer and Otter, as well as Golden Eagles, Corncrakes, Great and Arctic Skuas, Dotterel, large numbers of Long-tailed Duck and Great Northern Divers. Greater Scaup, Ruff, Black-throated and Red-throated Divers, Greater White-fronted and Pink-footed Geese, Common Cuckoo, Whinchat, Manx Shearwaters and Black Guillemot were also noted. We are returning for just one tour from 2ND – 9TH MAY 2009 , the cost of which now includes a flight from Glasgow to Benbecula for easier travel and this tour is sure to fill up quickly.